Thursday, March 19, 2009

Audio Slideshow Reflection

The process of creating the audio slide show was complicated. It was hard to condense fifteen minutes of an interview into two and a half minutes. It was easy cutting off the excess or the unnecessary material but cutting in between is more difficult. Cutting out one word or a few words required more precision. Getting the appropriate pictures was also complicated. It's easy to take lots of pictures but editing them and picking the best ones is hard. These complicated steps make the video format seem easier for me. The video format requires less steps and is easier to work with. If I could've done a video I think my project would have been more successful. I don't think my project was as successful as I would have liked it to be. If I could do anything differently I would have started working on it sooner so that I don't feel rushed at the end. Overall I didn't enjoy making this project because it was a lot of work but I enjoy watching audio slideshows.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Going to College

I have to admit I am scared about going to college. It's so diffrent from highschool that I fear I won't be able to handle it. Also, I worried about paying for college because it's getting really expensive. Now that the stress about applying to college is over, the stress about getting accepted begins, then the comes the stress of going to college. The way I see it is that even once you are accepted you can't be to relaxed because you have to keep up your grades and stay on track. Just because you have been accepted doesn't mean you can stop carrying about school and that the college won't change its mind. It is very important to keep doing your best in school and not let senioritis get a hold of you. But don't let this didscourage you from going to college because reagardless of the stress you might go through in the end it will be worth it. Trust me dreams do come through and you can defeat any obstacle as long as you are determined.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Looks can be deceiving

Many people judge others based on the way they look. Some say that what you look like on the outside reflects your personality but I have noticed that sometimes people look a certain way but are completely different. I too have judged people based on their appearance but I later realized that I was wrong in doing so. I've learned that you should get to know someone first to find out how they are instead of assuming something. Maybe the person who you think is weird because they dress weird can turn out to be a really good friend to you. I don't think you should stay away from someone or be mean to them because of the way they look. Teenagers in our times suffer a lot of stress because of looks. For most people it's really important how people judge them. They try to look a certain way to please others and to feel like they fit in. That's why we have to be careful what we say about people and be respectful of their feelings. You never know how someone will take your "inoffensive" comment, there are people who can be effected negatively. Don't be too quick to judge people and get to know them before assuming something based on their looks.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Winter Sickness

Since last week I have been sick which has made it hard for me to do my school work. I don't like missing class so I didn't miss any days last week but it was hard for me to concentrate and do my school work. I felt very lazy and irritated during the day. Over the weekend I mostly stayed at home because I didn't feel like going out, which is rare for me. On Monday I wasn't feeling good so I didn't go to school. If I had come to school it wouldn't have been a productive day because I wouldn't have concentrated. Now I'm back at school and I'm starting to feel better but I have to do more work because I have to make up what I missed yesterday. That is why I hate missing class, or school, because I feel behind the next day. My advice to those who are sick is to try not to be absent too much because it's hard to get back on track. If you feel strong enough to go to school then go.